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Successfully integrate your new employees in 4 easy steps

Successfully integrate your new employees in 4 easy steps

You worked hard to recruit a candidate, invested a lot of time and money and his 1st day to start is position has finally arrived, but be careful before crying victory too soon! It is now time to integrate him in your organization and make sure everything happens without any bad surprises.

It is our pleasure to share with you the fruit of our 20 years of experience in recruitment and to offer you a short guide which can, in 4 simple steps, help you maximize your chances of success when integrating your new employees

If you are part of your company's HR team, it is imperative that you mobilize and involve the direct supervisors of new employees as well as the company's management team. Integration should become an integral part of your company's recruiting process.

Here how you have to process:

The greeting:

Too many new employees. Do you want them to quickly develop a sense of belonging to your company and their productivity to quickly meet your expectations? Everything starts with a welcome greeting. The new employee must be greeted by his immediate supervisor and a smile is not optional.

Take the time to introduce him to the different team members, explaining to him how he will collaborate with them. Prepare documents containing all the necessary information about the company and its functions. Make sure that his workstation is ready and that he has all the necessary equipment. Also explain to him what tasks await him for his first day and week.

It is important to inform them of the prevailing policies and codes of conduct within the company and explain what is expected of them in terms of performance.

The training:

You are lucky to be on good terms with the employee who leaves and he agrees to train the one who will take his place before leaving office? What luck! But it’s not always that easy.

To make sure that the new employee will be quickly effective and that he will not feel too lost during his first days in your company, you can pair him with another employee who has a good knowledge of the tasks required for this position and who will play the role of mentor.

You can also schedule meetings with the most important members of the team to help the new employee better understand the tasks they will have to perform.

The assessment:

Most companies have a probationary period of three or six months during which executives will determine if the employee has what it takes to fill the position permanently. In order to make a meaningful assessment, take notes every time you notice something positive or negative. On the other hand, do not wait until the probation period is over to point out to him what his strengths and weaknesses are.

When a modification is necessary, it is important to tell them as soon as possible. At the end of probation, you can also ask the employee to do a self-assessment that you can compare with yours. Here few points to observe time management, organizational skills, stress management, desire to learn, autonomy, ability to work in a team, ease of communication, self-confidence, satisfaction with tasks to be accomplish, punctuality, dedication, leadership.

You can then schedule a meeting to discuss together the employee's strengths and weaknesses. Start by highlighting his achievements and then continue with the points to improve. Don't disparage the employee. Set goals together that will need to be achieved over the next few months. It is important that he feels that his work is appreciated and that his boss has confidence in his ability to improve.

The feedback:

Many employers are not concerned with this step, but it is important to take the time to ask the new employee how they feel after a day and after a few days in order to find out if there is something you can do to make them more comfortable or to help him increase his productivity. Take the time to answer his questions and listen to him. This will allow you to resolve certain points at source before they turn into problems

The cost of high staff turnover is often underestimated by managers. However, it is enough to take these few actions to avoid, a few months later, losing an employee that you had such a hard time finding and training. Worth thinking about.

In summary

Integration is the final step in your recruiting process and neglecting this step can have negative consequences for the company.

If, despite all your efforts, you have positions that remain problematic to fill, do not hesitate to contact us to take advantage of our expertise or discuss your need, without any obligation on your part. We will be happy to chat with you and answer any questions you may have.

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