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19-tips for successful professional meetings

19-tips for successful professional meetings

It goes without saying that good manners are essential when you have to attend a business dinner or any other professional activity (interview, happy hour, presentation, etc.).

In order to look good and not get your feet wet on your next date, we suggest an article by Jacquelyn Smith of Business Insider, posted on the Financial Post website.

Here is a summary of the points highlighted:

1. Always be on your feet when introduced to someone
In all scenarios, it is best to stand up when one person introduces you to another. This small action plays a major role in your presence.

2. Introduce yourself with your full name
When making presentations in a professional context, you should use your full name. If it is too long or too complicated to pronounce, you should consider adapting it.

3. Undertake the handshake when you are the host or in the highest rank
Regardless of gender, the person who receives or represents the highest rank must initiate the handshake, if not, the other person must take the initiative. The handshake is essential, but be careful, it must be done correctly!

4. Dress appropriately
Depending on the location chosen for the meeting, you should choose appropriate clothing. The way you dress will affect your professional reputation and your credibility.

5. Say thank you once or twice, at most in a conversation
In order not to alter the effectiveness and impact of the thank you, it should not be abused. Repeating it too often can lead the person to believe that you are helpless and broke.

6. Send thank you notes
Whether it's for a job interview or a business dinner, you should send a thank you message, within 24 hours, to everyone involved.

7. Leave your phone in your pocket
Nowadays, the cell phone is an indispensable tool, but you have to know how to leave it aside. Keep it out of sight on the table, or "text", as it may sound rude and lead the person to believe that they are not your priority.

8. Don't pull up your guest's chair
When meeting in a professional environment, avoid pulling the chair to your guest, both parties can do it yourself.

9. Don't cross your legs
In the workplace, whether you are a man or a woman, it is not recommended to cross your legs, as it can be distracting and considered "sexy".

10. Do not point fingers
When pointing, use your hand, not your index finger. It may sound trite, but this gesture can be interpreted as aggressive and unsightly.

11. Double check the recipient before sending your email
To avoid confusion and not send your email to the wrong person, double-check your recipient.

12. Always break your bread with your hands
To avoid disapproving looks from your peers, it's best to break your bread into pieces, and not to bite into it!

13. Don't order an overpriced dish
To avoid looking like you're taking advantage of your host, don't order an overpriced plate. Avoid overpriced steak, lobster and wine, opt instead at your host's suggestion, if applicable.

14. Don't push your plate
At a business dinner, when it's over, don't push your plate, as you may seem disinterested and in a hurry to leave.

15. Order dessert, if necessary!
In order not to make others uncomfortable, it is courteous to accompany them in the course of the service. If they decide to have a digestif or a dessert, do the same.

16. Leave your leftovers at the restaurant
In a professional context, it is frowned upon to ask for a "take-out box".

17. Know the arrangement of the elements of a table
To avoid total chaos at a business dinner, it is good to know the respective locations of glasses, plates and utensils.

18. The host of the meeting should always pay
Whether you are a man or a woman, if you have issued the invitation, know that the bill is on you!

19. Prepare for your outing gently
In order to have a delicate start, remember that it is easier to leave the meeting with control of the conversation.

I invite you to read the full article by by following this link.

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