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Quebec's skilled labor shortage: Current reality and future trends

Quebec's skilled labor shortage: Current reality and future trends

For several years, it has been said that employers in Quebec have had difficulty recruiting qualified workers. Skilled labor is scarce and competition for hiring is fierce, especially as companies use whatever strategies are necessary to attract experienced workers to their business.

With the aging of the population and the retirements of growing baby boomers, the number of workers will decline rapidly and the replacement of this workforce will be critical.

To give you an idea of the statistics for engineering jobs, the average age of engineers in Quebec is 43 years old. The unemployment rate for engineers, for the last ten years was around 8% and, Engineers Canada announces that the rate will decrease around 6% between 2020 and 2025. In addition, Engineers Canada points out that there will be more jobs as engineers in the aerospace engineering industry for years to come.

In an issue of the newspaper Le Soleil, in an article written by Jean-Michel Poirier, we quote: “The needs for specialized labor are growing, but registrations in vocational training centers and CEGEPs are not not follow ”. So, the next generation is not present and we can conclude that in future times, it will be more difficult to meet the demand for positions that will be available in the labor market.
In the same text, we find this statement: "According to Emploi-Québec, more than 450,000 positions will be filled in the technical sector - which requires technical college training or vocational training at the secondary level - by 2022". In another by Madame Letarte, it is indicated that in mechanical engineering, there will be an average of 337 job opportunities each year by 2019. So, we see that the needs of companies are alarming, and that soon, recruitment skilled technical resources will be even more difficult.

In an article by the editor, Gilbert Leduc, it is stated: “For certain trades and professions, the challenge will be sizeable, because the shortage is already serious. This is particularly the case for machinists, industrial engineering technologists, programmers and network technicians, electronic and electrical engineering technologists, mechanical engineering technologists, industrial mechanics and geomatics specialists ”.

There is concern among Quebec entrepreneurs, however it is a positive situation for young graduates. According to Jobboom, the training courses that you will find below rank among the training courses offering the best employment prospects this year (rate of 80% of graduates in employment, rate of less than 10% of unemployment, as well as a few other criteria.

University training:

BAC Business Administration;
BAC Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering;
BAC Industrial engineering;
BAC Mechanical engineering;
BAC Computer Engineering;
BAC Electrical, electronic and communications engineering;
BAC Food Science and Technology;
Masters in Architecture.

College training:

Aircraft maintenance technology;
Industrial electronics technology;
Building mechanics technology;
Industrial maintenance technology;
Civil engineering technology;
Mechanical engineering techniques;
Computer science (business computing).

Professional training:

DEP Industrial design;
DEP Electricity;
DEP Mechanics of stationary machines;
DEP Industrial mechanics of construction and maintenance;
DEP Machining Techniques.

For the full lists, see the links at the bottom of the article.

In the end, companies must imperatively retain their employees with good working conditions since specialized resources will become more and more precious. Remember that employees have a major impact on the profitability and smooth running of a business.


Engineers Canada Report (The Engineering Labor Market in Canada) - Posted June 23, 2015: link
Article by Martine Letarte (Engineering job: the time to retire) - Posted on September 21, 2015: link
Article by Jean-Michel Poirier (Cri du cœur for vocational training) - Published October 8, 2015: link
Article by Mr. Gilbert Leduc (Career and training fair: the scarcity of the workforce is raging) - Published October 23, 2014: link
Criteria used for the selection of the winning courses for 2015: link
The winning training courses in 2015 - Jobboom - Posted on January 8, 2015: Colleges: link, Academics: link.

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